I write because…
Often times I speak and it feels like no one’s listening
Or they listen but it annoys them
The words i’m saying?
The timber of my voice?
I don’t know but i get that feeling like i’m saying too much, so i stop.
I quiet myself to please those around me who don’t understand me?
I quiet myself because I don’t want to be impolite speaking when no one wants to hear me?
I write because…
I can get all these words out
All the feelings
These ideas
These thoughts that try to strangle my mind and suppress my joy
Out of my head and on a clean
Sheet of paper
A screen
A napkin
I write because...
sometimes i want to scream
Sometimes i’m sad
Sometimes im anxious
Sometimes I’m lost
But i already shared those feelings yesterday
and I don’t want to sound like a broken record so I write on this clean
Sheet of paper
This screen
This napkin
Because they don’t judge me
They let me say as much as I can manage to let out of my mind
And they always welcome me back
I write because…
I can.
For more poetry click here.